The Benefits Of Instant Performer – A Sex Lubricant And Penis Cream For A Supple Healthy Penis
There are many products available to help smooth and moisturize the skin (not just the penis skin) in the form of creams or lotions. They contain natural plant extracts like Aloe Vera, a very popular ingredient of these types of products, which helps keep the skin smooth, supple, and rejuvenized. This key ingredient is found in a lot of skin ointments and lotions as it is found to be very effective.
If you wish to keep the skin of your penis supple and healthy looking, a cream of this sort can help you. What I want to share with you today is a special penis cream, which I will reveal later. This penis cream also contains Aloe Vera, and Vitamin C, which both keeps your penis healthy, and the penis smooth and silky.
A lot of dry skin problems associated with water dehydration, can leave the skin looking flaky and shrivelled looking. By using a cream like this, you can keep the skin moisturized and supple, leaving the penis looking in tip top condition.
An added benefit of this penis cream, is the addition of an ingredient called volufiline. This substance is found in cosmetic products like lip plumpers, and its effect is one of stimulating the growth of the adicopyte fat cells on the underlayer of the derma. The result is that after several applications, it will make your penis look plumper and fuller, just like your lips would with the former product.
This currently makes this penis cream unique, because there is no other product on the market of this type using this added ingredient.
The great thing about this penis cream, is that it can be used as a lube, to provide the extra sensationary glide that can help prevent the uncomfort of dry sex. Some women have problems with natural lubrication, and may resort to vaginal lubes or creams to help encourage or create the wetness needed to make sex less uncomfortable. Having dry sex is very unpleasurable for both the man and woman, that is why lubes are among the number one products used by couples, to help ease the penis into the vagina during intercourse.
This penis cream is also a lube, but not just an ordinary lube, as it also has the capacity to deliver the benefits mentioned above, so acts not only as just a lube, but will also help moisturize and soften the penis skin, and also has the addition of volufine for penis plumping.
This alone will be sufficient to put a slightly higher price tag on the product than just an 'ordinary' sex lube, however, although skin moisturizing, penis plumping, and lubrication are added benefits of this product, these are not the primary purpose or intention of this product.
The multi-various functions of this product are just added benefits to the main benefits this product can offer. This penis cream contains powerful sexual stimulant herbs for example: chinese dodder seeds, horny goat weed, l-arginine, hawthorn berry, panax ginseng, catuaba, and gingko biloba! These substances are natural libido enhancers, natural vasodilators, and natural aphrodisiacs, that are very effective at arousing the male sexual senses and responses. The addition of these ingredients so explains the price of this product, which is significantly more than a cheap old ordinary lube that does nothing more but provide lubrication.
The ingredients absorb through the skin of the penis, and begin to work stimulating the penis, as the active compounds transdermally absorb into the penis. The effect is one of relaxing the penis muscles which aids the blood vessels to widen helping blood flow to rush into the penis thus causing erections. The product will therefore help men achieve firmer erections, and while the effects still work, will help the man maintain his erect rigidity for longer.
So what is this penis cream? There is no coincidence in the name of this product, it does what it says, as it is an Instant Performer. After massaging this cream into your penis, it can help induce an erection much quicker than taking an oral pill used for a similar intention. A pill can take much longer to work, because pills have to be digested by the gut, and the active compounds absorbed through the gut walls before they enter the bloodstream and start working.
So the advantage of using the cream which works transdermally, the word transdermal means 'through skin', is that it works much quicker, and is much safer.
In conclusion, you have an all round multi-purpose complete male enhancement product, to help keep the penis skin supple, plump up your penis fuller, provision of the all important lubrication, and the advantage of containing effective natural erection stimulating ingredients. All the added benefits of this penis cream makes this a superior and far more versatile lube for your needs.
The Benefits Of Instant Performer – A Sex Lubricant And Penis Cream For A Supple Healthy Penis by Charles Moon