What are the most common causes of fertility problems in men and women?

Text version of the article: http://tinyurl.com/jgccuuc

What are the most common causes of fertility problems in men and women?

The most common causes of infertility in both men and women are either: medical, lifestyle-related or age-related. The first and most obvious reason for problems with infertility is age.

Article source (full text with links):
⇨ https://herbalpillsreviews.com/what-are-the-most-common-causes-of-fertility-problems-in-men-and-women.html

✓Herbal remedies that can help increase your chances of getting pregnant
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/herbal-remedies-that-can-help-increase-your-chances-of-getting-pregnant.html

✓Tips for improving your chances of conception
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/tips-for-improving-your-chances-of-conception.html

✓Some of the lesser known reasons for problems with conception
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/some-of-the-lesser-known-reasons-for-problems-with-conception.html

✓Reasons for infertility in men and how to improve the chances of conception
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/reasons-for-infertility-in-men-and-how-to-improve-the-chances-of-conception.html

✓How important is sperm count for fertility?
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/how-important-is-sperm-count-for-fertility.html

✓Obesity can cause infertility and sexual dysfunctions in men
⇨ http://menshealthherbalpharmacy.com/obesity-infertility-sexual-dysfunctions.html

✓Causes of male infertility and male infertility tests
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/causes-of-male-infertility-and-male-infertility-tests.html

✓How age affects male fertility
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/how-age-affects-male-fertility.html

✓Loss of libido in men — causes and treatment
⇨ http://menshealthherbalpharmacy.com/loss-of-libido-causes-treatment.html

✓Watching too much TV can affect sperm count and reduce fertility in men
⇨ http://herbalpillsreviews.com/watching-too-much-tv-can-affect-sperm-count-and-reduce-fertility-in-men.html

✓ Eating a healthier diet and losing any extra weight can improve chances of conception
⇨ http://naturalfludefence.com/eating-a-healthier-diet-and-losing-any-extra-weight-can-improve-chances-of-conception.html

Source: What are the most common causes of fertility problems in men and women?

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