Prostate Massage Techniques : How to Give an Amazing Tantric Male Massage The Prostate gland is a walnut sized gland located just under the bladder. Prostate massage techniques can be a great way to give pleasure and intimacy to a man.
The prostate gland has a mystique quite unique as compared to the other parts of the male body. Ancient indian tantric texts refer to this gland as the ‘sacred spot’ the centre of a man’s emotions and sexuality; containing deep feelings of acceptance, nurturing and masculinity.
Prostate massage cannot only be novel but also adds excitement to your lovemaking as most men are not used to a sexually submissive role, and one which involves trust and intimacy can really add to the excitement. Also removing any need to perform, this massage can also be a great way for him to just sit back and enjoy!
To learn more about sensual prostate massage visit:
Source: Prostate Massage Techniques : How to Give an Amazing Tantric Male Massage