10 Of The Best Medicinal Teas to Drink Daily for Optimal Wellness | My Favorite Herbal Teas for All

If you are a tea lover like I am you will greatly enjoy today’s video where I share with you my Top 10 Medicinal Teas and how you can use each for an assortment of health ailments, diseases and overall wellness. Herbal Teas can aid your body in so many wonderful ways. If you are looking for weight loss teas, teas for anxiety, teas for hormone balancing, teas to improve your sleep and teas that will heal your body – look no further! Today’s video is such a special treat. It’s TEA TIME!

My Top 10 Favorite Herbals in Tea:
1. Stress Suppress Tea. https://amzn.to/2HgH9jH
2. Roasted Dandelion Root Tea. https://amzn.to/2FEhAsc
3. Herbal C–B–D- Ginger Turmeric Tea. http://bit.ly/3d3LORm
4. Stress Ease Tea (NEW) https://amzn.to/2T5ocTB
5. D ong Quai Red Date Tea. https://amzn.to/2HkU5Vt
6. Elderberry (loose dried berries). https://amzn.to/359TazJ
7. Rose Hips (loose dried hips) https://amzn.to/3lR6CiC
8. Women’s Ayurveda Tea https://amzn.to/2HhZwVa
9. Get Relaxed Tea https://amzn.to/2H2JleY
10. Nighy Night Extra Tea. https://amzn.to/31g3KDR

Order REM SLEEP: http://bit.ly/3cBcx7N

Grab my female hormone balancing protocols:
PCOS protocol: https://bit.ly/3mbIxmX
Endometriosis protocol: https://bit.ly/2IAapCq

Breast Care Course “Boobie Care Course” ($100 OFF coupon with code YT100): http://bit.ly/2Mts3Yf

Grab my FREE Anti-Viral Covid Checklist: http://bit.ly/2vA5882

Shop other teas, supplements and immune boosters here: http://bit.ly/2TIiUxm
Get 10% off with ALL orders

Sovereign Labs Colostrum: https://prosovlabs.com/#DrMelissa

On the Natural Health Resources channel I focus on natural health and wellness oriented educational videos that help my viewers and subscribers achieve their most optimal health. I bring my Naturopathic training to each video focusing on addressing the root cause of various illnesses and diseases.


Melissa @ Natural Health Resources.Com
— https://www.facebook.com/YourNaturalHealthResources

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FTC disclaimer: some but not all links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance.

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