Does Shaving Help Get Rid of Acne? Find Out Now

Are you curious about the question that many men ponder about if they have acne: Does shaving help get rid of acne? When I suffered with acne I never knew if I should shave or not shave. I was not sure if it was making my acne worse or possibly helping it.

Well, fortunately for you, I am now free of acne and can give you a little insight to the common question.

From my personal experience, shaving correctly and gently will not at all hurt your acne. But, I advise not to shave every day. It is always good to give your face a little break – even from applying cleansers to it.

If you shave with a razor blade about 3 times a week and are very gentle with the process then this can act as a exfoliating process which is definitely good for acne. By going to fast over a pimple, you increase the chances of cutting it. This will spread the bacteria over the face allowing for more possible pimples in the near future.

I recommend you invest your money into a quality shaver as it is very important that you do not cut your pimples or whiteheads. You can still go over them, but just be very careful. Buy some shaving cream with aloe vera in it. Aloe vera is one of the most effective acne treatments on planet Earth. While there is not much in shaving cream, every little bit helps.

I hope you now understand whether or not shaving can help get rid of acne. If done properly with a quality shaver and shaving cream, then yes, it can certainly help. Just do not over do it. I personally shave 3 times a week but sometimes give it a little break too. Help your acne by beginning to implement this tip into your life starting today.

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