Penis Enlargement Exercises That Can Make Your Penis Bigger

The issue lots of men have is the thinking that their manhood isn’t as big as it should. The size doesn’t really mater but not many would easily accept this fact. This drives them to trying out many exercise geared towards penis enlargement. We are going to focus on some effective penile enlargement exercise.

Most of the exercises we are going to look at here are quite effective but it is important to point that they are necessarily going to be taken every day because your penis needs some rest. It may adversely affect your quest to have an enlarged organ if you insist on doing some of these penile enlargement exercise daily.

PC flex is the first penis enlargement exercise we are going to analyze. This kind of exercise has been noted to produce very strong positive effects for the penis because apart from making it bigger and longer, it helps to keep stronger erection too. The PC muscles, just like in pregnant women are those that control when you urinate and when to stop urinating. The aim of undergoing PC muscular exercise is to make your penis stronger and this can be done from any location. You can start by doing this exercise for about five minute without stopping then gradually increase the time to about 30 minutes. Note that when you get to the 30 minutes limit, it is advisable to sop there and keep to the tempo without any need to increase the time. You may notice that when you pull your PC muscle, you are going to notice some of your anus muscles move too. This form of muscular moves ultimately helps to increase the blood flow to the penis thereby increasing its width and length. This should be the starting point because if you desire more blood to flow to all the parts of your penis, you have to do more.

The next penis enlargement exercise involves holding the tip of your penis with the grip of an okay symbol. You can effectively do this by making the letter O with your index finger and your thumb. Just stretch your penis in front and hold it in that particular stretch for about 15 seconds. Remember to gently massage your penis after doing this. Then continue to hold and stretch your penis for about 15 seconds in left, right, down and straight directions. Don’t forget to massage the penis between each repetition. If you find it difficult keeping a grip, you can use tissue or toilet paper. You mustn’t stretch your penis too far and note that this exercise shouldn’t be painful.

The jelq exercise is another penis enlargement exercise that can make your penis larger and bigger without any form of side effect. You may have to use any simple baby oil to lubricate your penis and form an O with your finger and your thumb, then hold the base of your 70 – 80 % erect penis, them move in an upwards and downwards direction. The sole aim of this exercise is to drive more blood to your penis so as to get it bigger with time.

Penis Enlargement Exercises That Can Make Your Penis Bigger by Jared D. Ingram

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