Why I no longer conduct stop smoking clinics

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Video discusses one of the main reasons I started to phase out and eventually stopped conducting live stop smoking clinics. I have recently been encountering clinic graduates who have been expressing great disappointment that I no longer provide live local programs. I hope that this video will help these people to understand why I no longer do the program and more importantly to know of the resources that we have now that can help smokers they know to be able to quit.

Related Resources:

Website describing my background in smoking prevention and cessation programs.

Free resources to help people quit smoking and break the grip of nicotine dependency

Videos discussing my clinic experiences and related information:

How I started running stop smoking clinics

Why my resources are free

A smoking cessation expert?

This video also discusses how the number of people who I would get in clinics dwindled in the last few years of doing the programs. Besides the time commitment issue discussed in this video, another important variable was that there were so many fewer smokers than there were in the earlier years–an important fact because it showed how so many people had successfully quit smoking on their own without any kind of professional help.

What programs do I recommend

Am I doomed to fail if I don’t get professional help

Introduction to Joel Spitzer’s Stop Smoking Video Library

Source: Why I no longer conduct stop smoking clinics

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