5 Super Health Benefits Of Oranges

Oranges are a tasty fruit that are often associated with Christmas but are available all year round. In addition to this, oranges are extremely healthy and support your body in numerous ways. In this article I will be outlining 5 of super health benefits of oranges.

1) ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION: One of the main health benefits of oranges is that they are rich in flavonoids, phytonutrients and vitamin C which all act as protective antioxidants within the body. Antioxidants fight dangerous free radicals (harmful by-products of oxygen related reactions) in your body and stop them damaging your body’s cells. In addition to this, antioxidants reduce the signs of ageing and prevent inflammation within your body’s cells.

2) ARTERIOSCLEROSIS PROTECTION: Another health benefit of oranges is that the vitamin C within this fruit helps to keep your arteries soft and supple and prevents the onset of arteriosclerosis (a condition where your arteries harden and lose their elasticity). In the long term arteriosclerosis reduces the flow of blood within your body which leads to pain and increases your heart disease risk.

3) CANCER PROTECTION: Oranges are rich in dietary fibre, vitamin A and vitamin C which all have cancer fighting properties. Cancer is a very serious health condition which leads to rapid, uncontrollable growths within your body and in the worst cases can be fatal.

4) HEALTHY BLOOD: Oranges contain high levels of multiple blood boosting nutrients. The dietary fibre and vitamin B1 within each orange helps control blood glucose levels (which is particularly good news for diabetics). In addition to this, the calcium and potassium found within oranges can help reduce blood pressure. Finally, the vitamin B1 in oranges promotes the production of strong, healthy blood cells.

5) HEART DISEASE PROTECTION: Another fantastic health benefit of oranges is that they lower your heart disease risk. The numerous antioxidants in this fruit help to directly reduce your heart disease risk by protecting it from oxygen related damage. In addition to this, the improved blood health that comes from eating oranges indirectly lowers your heart disease risk by reducing the strain that high blood pressure places on your heart.


As you can see, oranges are a highly protective fruit. So if you do not eat this fantastic fruit already make some changes and incorporate oranges into your diet today. Swapping a chocolate bar or a bag of crisps for this fruit can make a big difference and help you unlock the health benefits of oranges.

5 Super Health Benefits Of Oranges by Thomas Parker

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