Increase Sperm Count With Treatment, Tips & Advice

Here we discuss the how to increase sperm count and the causes of low fertility in men. What affects male fertility and what are the symptoms of infertility in men you should be aware of?

Some couples just can’t become pregnant after many attempts over the course of time. When there is a low count of sperm confirmed in a man, this is referred to as male infertility. A man is diagnosed to be suffering from infertility when there is a problem with his ejaculations or he has a cause of low sperm count. Ejaculation is when semen is released through the penis during orgasm.

When the man can’t properly release semen to get the woman pregnant, he may be suffering from one of many fertility problems such as : erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation (wherein the semen is pushed back into the bladder), or complications from surgery, radiation therapy or certain drugs.

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Cause of Low Sperm Count

The cause of low sperm count may be severe mumps infection, hormonal disorder, hereditary factors, or infections. Other causes may be wearing tight or restrictive underwear, excessive use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs, and exposure to radiation or poisonous chemicals.

A man’s sperm may also be poorly developed or malformed or has a short life span. Poor sperm motility may result, ie. the sperm can’t “swim” correctly. This can be caused by abnormal development or inflammation of the testicles and swollen veins in the scrotum. This condition heats the inside of the scrotum and may critically affect sperm regeneration and be the cause of low sperm count.

The scrotum needs to be 4 degrees cooler than body temperate for the testes to be able to produce the best sperm count range and quality of sperm. Many experts recommend bathing the testicles in cold water every day. One doctor reported that a patient who had been unable to make his wife pregnant for over two years was able to do so within three weeks of taking daily baths in cool water to increase sperm count.

If you have concerns about a cause of low sperm count affecting you, you should consult your doctor right away for help and support. The most obvious symptom is the inability to make your partner pregnant after trying for over a year.

A physical examination may pinpoint the exact or underlying problems that may be the cause of low sperm count and treat them early on. The examination would take into account your medical history, a culture of fluid from the penis, a blood test (to check for hormone problems or infections), and a semen analysis (to check the number and quality of sperm). More testing may be necessary, depending on the results.

How To Increase Sperm Count Treatment

You may be wondering how to increase sperm count or if there’s a sperm count treatment that works. Using male infertility drugs or fertility enhancement supplements can produce great results. In fact, more than 50 percent of cases result in an increase sperm count as a result of such sperm count treatment.

Treatment by conventional male infertility drugs may help the couple get pregnant through normal sexual intercourse. There are male infertility drugs, antibiotics, and fertility hormones that a man can take to help in sperm production and sperm regeneration, get rid of infection, or aid in hormonal imbalance.

Practical measures you can take to increase sperm count include wearing loose underwear like boxer shorts and loose fitting trousers and avoiding hot tubs, saunas, and long hot showers or baths.

Other non-sperm count treatments are also available, though these may be invasive or too expensive. This includes in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and use of a sperm donor. In vitro fertilization involves the fertilization of the couple’s sperm and egg in a laboratory and placing the fertilized egg inside the female’s uterus.

Artificial insemination, on the other hand, involves the collection of sperm and manually placing it inside the fallopian tubes or the female uterus to facilitate conception. Donor sperm can be used if there is no sperm production or sperm regeneration or there are sperm motility or other functional problems with the man’s sperm.

Generally, cause of low sperm count by an illness or genetic problems cannot be prevented. But, there are different ways and means that you can do to reduce the chances of having male fertility problems. One way is to avoid using drugs or alcohol, and allowing other toxic substances into your body. Live a healthy lifestyle and practice good hygiene to increase sperm count.

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