Forearm Building Exercises for Stronger Forearms

First of our forearm building exercises is the Palms Down Dumbbell Bench Wrist Curl: Holding two dumbbells (or a barbell), kneel in front of a flat bench and rest forearms flat on the bench so that they point out in front of you, with your wrists on the far edge of the bench, dumbbells hanging over the edge in a palms down grip. Keeping your forearms flat on the bench, bend wrists to lower dumbbells as far as possible. Then curl dumbbells up as high as possible and repeat.

Palms Up Dumbbell Bench Wrist Curl

Holding two dumbbells (or a barbell), kneel in front of a flat bench and rest forearms flat on the bench so that they point out in front of you, with your wrists on the far edge of the bench, dumbbells hanging over the edge in a palms up grip. Keeping your forearms flat on the bench, bend wrists to lower dumbbells as far as possible. Then curl dumbbells up as high as possible and repeat.

Reverse Cable Curl

Standing facing low pulley cable station, hold the cable bar attachment in a palms down overhand grip, arms extended. Keeping upper arms straight down, elbows at your side, lift the bar until forearms are vertical. Lower slowly to start position and repeat.

Plate Pinch Forearm Building Exercises

Place two weight plates together, smooth sides facing outwards. Grasp them in a pinch grip, thumb one side, fingers the other. Stand and lift holding the plates at your side in the pinch for as long as possible. Repeat these forearm building exercises with your other hand.

Reverse Barbell Curl

Grip barbell in a palms down overhand grip, hands shoulder width apart and stand upright, arms extended. Keeping upper arms pointing down, elbows at your side, raise barbell until forearms are vertical (elbows moving forward a couple of inches to achieve this). Lower slowly to start position and repeat the forearm building exercises.

Reverse Barbell Preacher Curl

Sitting on preacher bench place upper arms on pad, with armpits resting at top of pad. Hold barbell in a palms down overhand grip with arms extended, hands shoulder width apart. Keeping upper arms on the pad, bend elbows to lift barbell until forearms are vertical. Lower barbell slowly to start position and repeat.

Seated Dumbbell Palms Down Wrist Curl Forearm Building Exercises

Sit at the end of a flat bench, feet on the floor about 2 feet apart. Pick up 2 dumbbells (or a barbell) and, leaning forward, rest your forearms on your thighs, front of wrists over knees, grip palm down. Keeping your forearms still, bend wrists to lower dumbbells as far as possible. Then curl dumbbells up as high as possible and repeat.

Seated Dumbbell Palms Up Wrist Curl

This is the last of our forearm building exercises: Sit at the end of a flat bench, feet on the floor about 2 feet apart. Pick up 2 dumbbells (or a barbell) and, leaning forward, rest your forearms on your thighs, back of wrists over knees, grip palm up. Keeping your forearms still, bend wrists to lower dumbbells as far as possible. Then curl dumbbells up as high as possible and repeat.

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